Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Revision Introduction In-class Essay 4

The United States is the only country in America that has many people from other countries. the people who live-in those countries such as Mexico or Guatemala came to the United States to find a better life. However the people do not think about the risks for their children that born here. The children can suffer many consequences for the language and the change of life.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Correction Indirect Speech Exercise

I was with my wife in a restaurant talking about our business and our trip to Europe. Somebody told me that the food in this restaurant was very delicious, so I want to try it to see whether It was true. When the food arrived, I realized that there was a fly in my soup. Immediately, I got mad, I started to scream and everybody was looking at me. My wife, who is very polite, tried to calm me down but I was really angry.
Then I called the waiter and asked him if he was responsible for that, but he replied that it was not his fault. He added that he was tired of his job and after that, he left the restaurant without saying anything. Even though the waiter had quit his job, I was not satisfied at all. I thought about bringing him to court, but I let it go because I was so busy with my business.
Then, my wife got up and told me that she felt very embarrassed about my attitude. Moreover, she left the restaurant too, leaving me alone in company of the sight of all people and the fly in the soup.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Indirect Speech Exercise

I was with my wife in a restaurant talking about the most calm when suddenly I realized that there was a fly on my soup. Immediately I got mad and started screaming. My wifetried to calm down but I was very angry. Then I called the waiter and asked if he was responsible for that, but he replied that he was tired of his job and he left without saying anything. When soon my wife also gets up and told me that she felt very embarrassedand then she went too, leaving me alone in the restaurant with my fly into the soup.